Throughout the 2014 CCCAA Playoffs, sophomore Sara Moore will be blogging for Photo By: Rich Baltazar
Throughout the 2014 CCCAA Playoffs, sophomore Sara Moore will be blogging for Photo By: Rich Baltazar

The Softball Blog: No Fear, Only Hunger

Throughout the Citrus College Softball program's journey in the 2014 CCCAA Playoffs, Owl sophomore Sara Moore will be blogging for Today's installment is the first installment of the 2014 Softball Blog.

At the start of our season, there were many concerns as to what kind of team we would be. It felt like no one believed that we had the potential to be Western State Blue Division Champions, but our team did. Being on a team that has as much chemistry, respect and trust as we do for each other, makes it so much easier for us to produce as a unit and win. I think this was the key to our success this year. Coach Andersen would tell us every day, "why not us?" Eventually we all bought in to it. Our team is fired up and ready to come out to fight our way to the top.

Going into these weekends' games we're seeded lower than Mt. SAC and are looked at as the underdogs, but that doesn't mean anything to us. We turned ourselves into the underdogs this season, we're able to get ourselves out of that and come out on top. No one should doubt this team for a second. Our team may be small this year, but we've never had so much heart.  This team has more fight than any team. This team has more raw talent than all the opposing teams put together. This team has more hunger to come out on top.

I think what gets me the most fired up about this team and our run for playoffs, is that we are fearless. My team doesn't care about who's in the other dugout and what they can do; our team cares about us and what we can do. We know what we are capable of and what we need to do to win, and that's the only thing we focus on. Intimidation is what Mt. SAC will try to put into us, but my team doesn't know intimidation and I love that about them.

Citrus College Softball has been one of the greatest experiences for me, and thinking about our potential going into the playoffs makes my experience that much better. I was fortunate enough to be on last year's team and accomplish great things with them, but I'm honored to be on another successful team and accomplish even greater things with them. I can't wait to see what the playoffs have in store for us. I'm honored to finish out my softball career with this team and coaching staff. These Lady Owls are more than just my team; they are my sisters. Nothing feels better than being able to go into battle with people you trust and love. OUR team is ready to come out swinging and take out the Mounties, and whoever else stands in our way of success. As one of our Owls once said, "There will be no fear, only hunger."